The issue of developing the professional training of future specialists in globally important educational processes is considered urgent. In the most advanced educational centers in developed countries, creative and communicative abilities are recognized as important qualities. In particular, it was determined that one should be ready for various options (verbal, written, non-verbal) of dealing with people of different ages, having a creative, communicative, open, level of education and social status, and should be an example to others. This means that it is important for the future teacher to be flexible, dynamic, and original creator in educational processes so that he can adapt to new conditions and carry out innovative activities. According to UNESCO's vision of international education until 2030, quality education promotes creative thinking and knowledge and develops the fundamentals of literacy and numeracy, as well as analytical, problem-solving, reasoning, and other interpersonal and social skills. special attention is being paid. At the international level, special attention is paid to improving the quality of education, creative thinking, critical thinking, self-evaluation, and designing creative activities for students.
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