
  • Kadirova Guzal Shukhrat qizi Tashkent State University of Oriental studies Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in political sciences e-mail: guzal.kadirova.1986@mail.ru Mirabad dist.,20, Amir Temur str., Tashkent,100060, Uzbekistan
  • Yovqochev Shukhrat Akmalevich Tashkent State University of Oriental studies Doctor of political sciences, professor e-mail: yovkochev@mail.ru Mirabad dist.,20, Amir Temur str., Tashkent,100060, Uzbekistan


In the article, the authors attempt to show the contribution of the fine arts, poetry, handicraft, needlework, and music that the people of Mawarannahr made to the development of Islamic culture. The main works and their brief description are given. The contribution of the talents of the region to the cultural sphere, place, and role is described. The narration is carried out in chronological order, brief information is given about the figure, his works, and the contribution that he made to the development of world science and Islamic culture and sciences. The article attempts to analyze the activities of medieval cultural figures concerning today. At the end of the article, general conclusions on the article are given. Within the framework of a brief article, information is given only about the most prominent talents and geniuses who over the centuries have contributed to the development of the world and Islamic culture.



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