The article discusses the statements about peace and harmony in the Quran and Hadith, which are the main sources of Islam, and argues that the main purpose is to call for peace and justice, which is considered important for all mankind, and to be free from vices such as anger, hatred, enmity, corruption and cruelty. Peace is the essence and necessity of both life and Islam. Peace is the greatest blessing that God has given to all mankind. Islam has made the concept of peace its main idea and an important motto, and it is argued that people should act in solidarity and solidarity and put an end to mutual enmity in order to maintain peace and ensure stability.
Agzamova Muhabbat Mirtoxirovna (2020) About copies, translations and editions of the work Taʾrīkh Al-rusul Waʾl-mulūk. Academicia: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 10 (4), p. 755. doi: 10.5958/2249-7137.2020.00136.6 Available at: https://saarj.com/wp-content/uploads/ ACADEMICIA-APRIL-2020-FULL-JOURNAL.pdf
Agzamova Muhabbat Mirtoxirovna (2020) The scientific legacy of Abū Ja’far Muḥammad ibn Jarir ibn Yazid Ibnkathir ibn Ghalib at-Ṭabarī and the importance of Taʾrīkh Al-rusul Waʾl-mulūk. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7 (5), 923-925. doi:10.31838/jcr.07.05.189. Available at:http://www.jcreview.com/search.php#. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pItX8uIbnsBlzRh-4BerRXdAsSPf2dh/view
Agzamova Muhabbat Mirtoxirovna (2020) About the persian translation of "Tāʾrīkh ar-rusul val muluk" Academicia: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 10 (6), 416-419. Available at: https://saarj.com/wp-content/uploads/ACADEMICIA-JUNE-2020-FULL-JOURNAL.pdf Article DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5958/2249-7137.2020.00634.5
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