
  • Khakimova Maksadkhon Dilshodbekovna Senior teacher at Uzbek State World Languages University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The present article focuses on “images” forming part of the English poetic tradition and investigates them in diachrony. It is argued that a poetic image exists not by itself but enters a group of similar images and thus represents a certain “variant” among others, realizing a kind of paradigm (metaphoric “invariant”, or conceptual metaphor). The latter existing in the poetic conceptual view of the world, finds various linguistic expressions. This point is illustrated in the article by analyzing several conceptual metaphors concerning the notion of “life” in 18th – 20th century English and American poetry from the point of view of their historical development.

Keywords: poetry, image, image paradigm, diachrony, life as a way, life as theatre.


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