
  • Toirova Guli Ibragimovna Professor of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics and Journalism of Bukhara State University Doctor of Philology Oripova Parvina Valisherovna Student of the Faculty of Philology of


The topic of speech acts and their unique attributes is delved into in this article. Taking inspiration from a variety of sources, the numerous layers of meaning behind gratitude are explored in detail. Linguistic experts have made significant contributions to the scientific understanding of this topic, offering up a range of perspectives on the matter. One fascinating finding that has been thoroughly researched is how nonverbal cues, when combined with verbal expressions of gratitude, can differ greatly across languages such as Uzbek, Russian and Chinese. It's widely accepted that gratitude serves multiple pragmatic purposes in communication, including but not limited to: ending a conversation, expressing genuine emotions or appreciation and reaching mutual agreement.



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